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Dial Down University Anxiety

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Learn about the most common anxiety escalators (including a couple of surprising ones), along with practical, proven tips and strategies that you can begin using immediately to decrease stress and anxiety this semester. Begin drafting your personal Anxiety Action Plan, and gain some new on-campus, off-campus and on-line resources to help. This free, one hour

Graduate Accountability Group – Online

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

The Graduate Student Accountability Group provides a welcoming, safe and productive online space for graduate students to do their work. The group is facilitated by a learning specialist and is designed to help you identify small goals and accomplish them during short work periods. Comments from previous participants: "The group is a great way to

Open Scholarship and RDM Brown Bag: Implementing Ethical Considerations with RDM Best Practices

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Learn about the importance of research ethics in studies involving human participants, how to implement ethical practices to benefit both researchers and participants, and the best Research Data Management (RDM) practices to support ethical research. This brown bag features Donna Drohan, Ethics Education & Compliance Advisor from the U of G Research Services Office, and

Relaxation and Stress Management Skills

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Learn to calm anxiety, relax tight muscles, settle a busy a brain, and have more energy! Strengthen your ability to restore yourself during these challenging times. The continuity of this 12-session program can help you keep a more even keel and manage stress throughout the semester. A smorgasbord of techniques for thriving under pressure are

Advanced Survey Creation in Qualtrics: Data Skills

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

This workshop will explore the more advanced question types and features of Qualtrics including: Various question types and methods like logic, piped text, loop & merge, timed questions, scoring, embedded data, and randomization How to use Survey Flow to meet complicated research designs How to create and edit messaging in your survey NOTE: It is

Graduate Accountability Group – Online

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

The Graduate Student Accountability Group provides a welcoming, safe and productive online space for graduate students to do their work. The group is facilitated by a learning specialist and is designed to help you identify small goals and accomplish them during short work periods. Comments from previous participants: "The group is a great way to

Data Visualization Best practices – Data Skills Workshop Series

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

In today’s data-driven world, effective data visualization is essential for making information more consumable, conveying important concepts and ideas, and even making your arguments more persuasive. Whether you’re a researcher, analyst, or professional who deals with data, mastering the art of visualization can significantly enhance the impact of your work. This workshop will equip you

Intro to GIS using ArcGIS Online: Data Skills

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

In this workshop we will learn how to navigate ArcGIS Online, kinds of GIS data, how to add data to a map, basic symbology and labelling, how to manually add data to your map, and how to access analysis functions. ArcGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS); a software program for working with maps and

Open Scholarship and RDM Brown Bag: Negotiating Publishing Contracts

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Negotiating Publishing Contracts expands on material covered in Navigating Academic Publishing, but it is not a prerequisite. In this session, you will learn more about your rights as an author, and will develop skills you can use when negotiating your academic publishing contracts. We will look at sample contracts together as well as suggested language

Better Sleep Program

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Learn proven, drug-free strategies to fall asleep (or back to sleep) more easily, decrease insomnia, and get more energy from sleep. Go at your own pace through each lesson in this special online, on-demand, five-session sleep program with Kathy Somers of the Stress Management & High Performance Clinic. You have lifetime access to the lessons

Graduate Accountability Group – Online

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

The Graduate Student Accountability Group provides a welcoming, safe and productive online space for graduate students to do their work. The group is facilitated by a learning specialist and is designed to help you identify small goals and accomplish them during short work periods. Comments from previous participants: "The group is a great way to

Open Scholarship and RDM Brown Bag: Research Data Deposit: Best practices in preparing data for deposit

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Are you considering depositing your research data in the University of Guelph Research Data Repositories (housed in Borealis, The Canadian Dataverse Repository)? In this brown bag, participants will learn about best practices for preparing data for deposit in the U of G Research Data Repositories. These practices support creating FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable

Intro to GIS using ArcGIS Pro: Data Skills

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

In this workshop we will learn how to navigate ArcPro, kinds of GIS data, how to add data to a map, basic symbology, and labelling, how to filter data, and how to create a finished map. ArcGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS); a software program for working with maps and geographic data. ArcGIS Pro

Open Scholarship and RDM Brown Bag Series: Depositing Your Research Data in a Repository

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Sharing your data improves your visibility as a researcher, increases citations for your publications, gives you recognition for your work, attracts new collaborations, and most importantly allows for reproducibility and verification of results. This brown bag will cover: Benefits around depositing your research data into a repository. Impact of the Tri-Agency Policy influences how data

ArcGIS Pro 2 – More Analysis in GIS: Data Skills

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

In this workshop, we’ll learn further GIS tools, work with tables, and begin working with raster data. Participants are expected to have strong familiarity with ArcGIS before registering in this workshop. ArcGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS); a software program for working with maps and geographic data. A GIS allows you to work with

Graduate Accountability Group – Online

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

The Graduate Student Accountability Group provides a welcoming, safe and productive online space for graduate students to do their work. The group is facilitated by a learning specialist and is designed to help you identify small goals and accomplish them during short work periods. Comments from previous participants: "The group is a great way to

Break the Anxiety-Procrastination Cycle

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Although many people think that procrastination is a time management issue, most often it is an emotional response. We'll tackle the "complicated failure of self-regulation" in the anxiety-procrastination cycle by learning tips, reviewing research insights, and practicing practical strategies to intervene when anxiety and procrastination are feeding each other. This new three-session skills program with