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- Guidelines for Using the Gryphon Logotype
- Gryphon Logo Colours
- Incorporating Text With the Gryphon Logo
- Correct Gryphon Logo Usage
The Gryphon is a registered trademark exclusively for promoting University of Guelph athletic and recreation programs. No person and/or organization may use the Gryphon logo or an image confusingly similar to the Gryphon without written approval from the Department of Athletics at the University of Guelph. To submit a request, contact Dave Easter, Marketing & Communications Manager, Department of Athletics at
The Gryphon logo is the most important product symbol for the Guelph Gryphons and is a prominent part of Gryphon identity and branding in the marketplace. All finished communication materials and products produced by the Department of Athletics must show the Gryphon logo cleanly and plainly. The logo must be integrated into the overall design and function of all communication materials produced by the department, including advertisements, promotions, events and fixtures.
Guidelines for Using the Gryphon Logotype
- Do not use the Gryphon to promote an event or service that is not officially sponsored by the University of Guelph’s Department of Athletics;
- The registered trademark symbol must always appear on the Gryphon logo next to the paw on the lower right corner;
- The Gryphon logo must always face to the left (do not flip or rotate) and must appear parallel to the top of the page or screen;
- Choose the highest resolution appropriate for your use; minimum size 2.5 mm for print, 81 pixels for web;
- Do not combine or integrate the Gryphon with other logos or graphic elements;
- Use the Gryphon in the proportions given; do not alter the image or distort the relative horizontal and vertical dimensions;
- Do not animate the Gryphon;
- Do not use the Gryphon as a background for text;
- The integrity of the Gryphon must remain intact and distinctive when printed over photographs or other images;
- Separate the Gryphon logo on all sides from text and other graphic elements by a space equal to its height.
Gryphon Logo Colours
The Department of Athletics uses official University of Guelph colours: black, red and yellow.
Incorporating Text With the Gryphon Logo
- The Gryphon logo must always appear on a solid background;
- The Gryphon logo must remain separate on all sides from text and other graphic elements by a space equal to its height.
- The Department of Athletics uses Serpentine Medium Bold as its official font. This font must be used for all copy and/or text produced within the Department of Athletics and on all communication and marketing materials that use the Gryphon logo. For example, this font must be used if the text “Gryphon Basketball” is to appear on the front of a t-shirt.
Correct Gryphon Logo Usage
Trademark: The Gryphon logo must always appear with a registered trademark symbol.

Multi-Colour Versions: When printing/screening in colour, the Gryphon logo must incorporate our three official colours: red, black and gold. If the background is black, the gold outline should be utilized. If the background is light in colour, a black outlined logo should be used. The body of the Gryphon must always remain red.

Single Colour Versions: If one colour is the only option, either the black or gold logo should be utilized. If the background is black, the gold outline should be utilized. If the background is light in colour, the black outlined logo should be used.

Note: T-shirts body colours can only be red, yellow, black or white. When doing a one-colour screen, preference should be given to a red body colour t-shirt with the gold outlined logo as shown above.