Prof. Thomas Sasso
Prof. Thomas Sasso

Prof. Thomas Sasso, Department of Management, has been invited by the Centre for Global Inclusion to serve as an expert panellist to help draft the 2021 edition of the Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Benchmarks: Standards for Organizations Around the World (GDEIB).

The Centre for Global Inclusion is a U.S.-based public charity that helps organizations determine strategy and measure progress in managing diversity and fostering inclusion.

Sasso is one of only a few Canadians invited to serve on the international team. Panellists  are selected for their experience, knowledge, scholarship and willingness to contribute to the consensus-based research that enables the benchmarks to work for organizations of all sizes.

The panel members will draft best-practice benchmarks that will allow organizations to analyze and implement evidence-based diversity, equity and inclusion standards meant to address years of systemic inequality and social injustice.

Since its development in 2006, thousands of organizations have used the GDEIB tool to advance more inclusive workplace practices, such as recruitment and selection, organizational strategy and leadership, employee programing and compensation, and marketing and customer service.

At U of G, Sasso teaches organizational behaviour, human resource management and leadership courses to undergraduate business students as well as leadership studies through U of G’s master of leadership program.

His research is dedicated to understanding and improving the experiences of diverse and marginalized populations across industries and sectors, with particular focus on 2SLGBTQ+ communities.  He co-founded the Sexual and Gender Diversity Research Lab at U of G and is co-leader of the Sexual and Gender Diversity Cluster at U of G’s Live Work Well Research Centre.

Sasso and the other expert panellists are now conducting research to create the 2021 edition of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Benchmarks. The document will be available on The Centre for Global Inclusion’s website as a free download in early 2021 for individuals and organizations to use to foster safer and more inclusive work environments.


Prof. Thomas Sasso

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