2023 United Way Treasury Operations Raffle
OntarioGrab your tickets for a chance to win one of 6 prizes. Draw will take place Friday, December 9, 2023 @ noon. Six incredible prizes: $500 Amazon Gift Card 2
Hospitality Services United Way Silent Auction
OntarioHospitality Services is hosting a virtual silent auction in support of United Way Guelph Wellington Dufferin. The auction is open from November 27 to December 8 at 11:30 p.m. Bid
Brass Taps Vintage Pub Auction for United Way
OntarioBRASS TAPS has generously donated various Vintage Pub Glassware, Signs, Pictures and more for an Online Auction in support of the University of Guelph United Way Campaign. Money raised from this event will assist the United Way to create lasting positive change and unite people and resources in Guelph, Wellington and Dufferin. United Way assists
Free Drop-In Holiday Recreational Skating
Gryphon Centre Arena 149 Reynolds Walk, GuelphGet into the holiday spirit with some skating, hot beverages, and snacks! Grab your skates and head down to the Gryphon Centre Arena for a recreational skate. Helmets recommended. No skate rentals are available. Hot beverages and light snacks will be available. Please also consider bringing an item to donate to the Guelph Student FoodBank.
20-Minute Mindful Mid-day Movement Break
ONLINE OntarioWant more out of your lunch hour? Join us online at Noon ET on Thursdays for a 20-minute Mindful Movement that can be done at your desk or on your mat. Connect with your mind and body to recharge/reset your day. All are welcome. Invite friends or colleagues and practice together! Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/95484128908