Physical Resources will conduct its Annual Campus Electrical Shutdown on Saturday April 27 and Sunday April 28. The shutdowns run each day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 

On April 27, the shutdown will affect the entire campus except for the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) area. On April 28, the shutdown will affect only the OVC area. 

Shutdowns affect all non-essential power, including normal building lighting and most electrical receptacles. Essential/emergency power and lighting will not be affected. Essential electrical receptacles can be identified by their red color. 

Things to note during the shutdowns: 

  • HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning). There will be no air exchange capabilities. Systems will be re-started to provide air exchange prior to the resumption of regular work hours. Unless authorized to do so, please do not attend to campus during the shutdown period 
  • Domestic hot water will NOT be available 
  • Building elevators will be locked out of service 
  • Electronic access, building fire alarm, and security alarms are NOT affected 
  • Access to all campus buildings should be restricted, other than for security reasons 

For more details, please refer to the full list of affected buildings sent by email. 

For further information, please view the detailed shutdown notice or contact Steve Welker, Construction Coordinator, Physical Resources at

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