University of Guelph entrance wall

The selection committee for the University of Guelph’s ninth president and vice-chancellor is seeking input and advice from the University community through an online survey. The committee will use this feedback, as well as the extensive feedback provided by the University community in fall 2019, to help develop the presidential position profile.

“Input from our students, faculty, staff and alumni is critically important to developing the position profile and facilitating a successful search. The committee looks forward to hearing from our community,” said Shauneen Bruder, chair of U of G’s Board of Governors and head of the Presidential Selection Committee.

Members of the University community are invited to share their ideas on opportunities and challenges facing U of G during the next five years and to recommend leader attributes needed by the University.  All responses to the online survey are anonymous. The survey closes at noon on May 25, 2021.

Individuals may also comment through the committee’s confidential email:

The Presidential Selection Committee will recommend a presidential candidate to the Board of Governors. Under the University of Guelph Act, the Board is responsible for appointing a president. The committee will communicate regularly with the University community through its website:

U of G’s ninth president and vice-chancellor is expected to be named by fall 2021.

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