Starting May 1, 2024, the following changes will take effect:

  • Digital Vehicle Count System – We have 11 designated parking lots with our new digital vehicle count system. P12, P13, P14, P19, P23 and P31 have signs indicating availability. We are hoping to be able to provide this information via an app in the coming year.
  • Daily permits – Available for faculty, staff and students. Daily permits for P59, P30 and Gordon Hall, can be purchased in advance. Daily permits for P11, P13 and P19 must be purchased the morning of, they will be available each day at 12:01am. Quantities are limited and can sell out. If your preferred permit is not available you must select another option.
  • Student Permits – Fall Semester permits will be available in mid/late July. We will provide advance notice on our website closer to this date. Graduate Students and Commuting students may purchase black, red, or yellow zone or Gordon Hall Only permits, depending on availability. Residence students may purchase yellow zone, Gordon Hall Only and yellow zone/Gordon Hall permits (Gordon Hall Residence only). Residence students are required to park in designated lots located near their residence locations. Permits are available on a first come, first served basis.
  • NEW! Gordon Hall Only Permits – Available for faculty, staff, and students. Allows you to park at the Gordon Hall Lot ONLY, for a reduced monthly rate.
  • NEW! Electric Vehicle Payroll Deduction Permits – Available for faculty and staff. Allows you to sign up for a Green/Red on payroll deduction. Refer to the parking rate chart below for rates and parking zones. You must have an electric vehicle to purchase this type of permit.
  • Parking Maintenance and Improvements – Campus Parking Services will continue to make repairs to roads, parking lots and sidewalks.
  • Updated Parking Policy and Regulations.

Permit TypeParking location2024-25 rate (taxes included)*Details
BlackBlack (premium interior), Red (basic interior) or Yellow (value perimeter) lots$164.75/monthSold one permit per spot for a designated interior lot, guaranteeing an available spot 24/7
Red Basic interior lots$93/monthPark in any Red lot during posted hours of operation
YellowPerimeter lots: P7, P13, P14, P17, P19, or P30$81.40/monthPark in any Yellow lot during posted hours of operation
Gordon Hall/YellowPerimeter lots: P7, P13, P14, P17, P19, P30 and Gordon Hall$81.40/monthPark in any Yellow lot or Gordon Hall during posted hours of operation
Gordon Hall Only LotGordon Hall Only$58/monthPark in Gordon Hall Lot ONLY, during posted hours of operation
Green/Red – Electric Vehicle      EV charger locations & Red Zone    $116.60/month      Can charge at EV chargers, four hours max per day. Park in Red Zone when charging is complete or not required
Green/Yellow – Electric VehicleEV charger locations & Yellow Zone$105.10/monthCan charge at EV chargers, four hours max per day. Park in Yellow Zone when charging is complete or not required
MotorcycleSigned Spots$103 flat ratePark in any motorcycle areas during posted hours of operation
Daily Permit: Red ZoneRed Zone$16/dayVariety of rates and locations for students, faculty, and staff
Daily Permit: P13, P19, P59P13, P19, P59$12.50/dayVariety of rates and locations for students, faculty, and staff
Daily Permit: P11, P30P11, P30$7/dayVariety of rates and locations for students, faculty, and staff
Gordon Hall Daily PermitsGordon Hall (NEW)$5.50/dayVariety of rates and locations for students, faculty, and staff
Paybyphone/HONK – DailySigned spots$21/day (plus  $.35/$.45 transaction fee)Short-term parking in interior lots
Paybyphone/HONK – HourlySigned spots$3.50/hour (plus $.35/$.45 transaction fee)Short-term parking in interior lots
*You pay the same monthly amount whether you buy an annual, semester or monthly pass. 

How to purchase a permit

To purchase a permit, you’ll need an account with Parking Services.

  1. Complete a Student or Faculty/Staff Parking Account Request form online. If you had a parking permit in 2023/24, skip this step.
  2. Once you have an account, visit the Parking Services website.
  3. Log in with your central log-in credentials to purchase s permit.

If you currently have a payroll deduction permit for 2023/24 and want to continue doing so, your permit will automatically renew for May 1, 2024. If you would like to cancel your payroll deduction permit for May 1, please fill out the Permit Cancellation Form before May 1.

If you are a current Black Zone permit holder, you will be able to renew your permit for May 2024. A separate letter with instructions will be sent to you. If you do not wish to renew your permit please fill out the Permit Cancellation Form before May 1. If you would like to get a Black Zone permit for the first time, please add yourself to the online waitlist from your online parking account. When a space becomes available you will be notified via email.

If you are wanting an EV payroll deduction permit, please contact Parking Services, so we may give access to sign up via the online parking portal.


If you would like to cancel your payroll deduction permit for May 1, please fill out the Permit Cancellation Form before May 1.

Link to this tab

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