Dr. Max Jones crosses arms and smiles for camera
Dr. Max Jones

Dr. Max Jones, a plant scientist at the Ontario Agricultural College, spoke to several media outlets about his and fellow researcher Dr. Gale Bozzo’s, new licence from Health Canada to cultivate and study “magic mushrooms.” 

The news was featured in the U.S. publication High Times, with the article noting that psilocybin has the potential to treat various mental health disorders

Articles by The Growth Op, that appeared in several outlets across the country, and CHCH News outlined some of the goals of the research.

To CTV Kitchener, Jones explained the project hopes to find out what else “magic mushrooms” are producing that is beneficial to humans. Speaking to GuelphToday, Jones said he hopes to compile a public resource for other researchers further on. 

Jones also discussed his research and licence with the Guelph Mercury Tribune and Global News.

A professor in the Department of Plant Agriculture, Jones’ research interests include medicinal plants and cannabis biotechnologies. 

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