Local issues such as mental health, poverty and social isolation can be easy to ignore. We can’t solve issues affecting our communities until we have the community’s attention. This fall, let’s work together with Guelph Wellington Dufferin United Way to make local issues #UNIGNORABLE.

This year, U of G’s goal is $620,000 and beyond! President Franco Vaccarino announced the goal at the campaign’s kick-off barbecue on Sept. 24. “Through our involvement with the United Way campaign, we aim to improve life – our singular purpose here at the University of Guelph,” he said.

“We’re very excited for the start of this year’s campaign,” says campaign staff co-chair Jill Ferguson. “The U of G community is always so supportive of the United Way and it’s incredible to see what we can accomplish together.”

In 2019, the United Way is shining a light on community challenges to make them #UNIGNORABLE. You can follow the campaign on social media to see how your donations make a difference. Your support for U of G’s United Way campaign will help improve lives and show our community that local issues matter.

“U of G has one of the best university United Way campaigns in the country,” says campaign faculty co-chair Carolyn Kerr. “Last year, we raised more per person than any other post-secondary institution in Canada.”

This year’s student campaign co-chairs are Amia Khosla and Parnit Sachdeva.

Watch for more exciting United Way events including College Idol on Oct. 31.Carolyn Kerr, Ken Dardano, Franco Vaccarino and Jill Ferguson at United Way 2019 Kick-Off

“Therapy dog Taksim visits Hospice Wellington and the days they visit we have seen an increase in family member visits. Therapy dog visits not only help people staying at Hospice and staff, but also the family through such a difficult time.” – United Way Community Impact Report 2018 – referencing Therapy Dogs, a United Way sponsored program

A reason to start donating

This year’s campaign is providing a fantastic opportunity to encourage contributions from new donors and those who haven’t donated recently.

A generous supporter has committed to matching all donations from first-time donors and those who have not donated in the past two years up to a total of $20,000 for the University’s campaign. These donors can double their impact by simply submitting a completed pledge card. Students can submit their pledge cards to Treasury Operations (4th Floor, University Centre). Staff and faculty can submit their pledge cards to their area coordinator.

How your donations improve life in our community

  • $25 helps pay for personal hygiene items, socks and underwear so that an at-risk youth can look for employment confidently
  • $100 supports therapy dogs and their handlers, giving them the tools they need to attend visits and meet other’s needs
  • $365 pays for a week of summer camp with adapted programming so a child with special needs is not excluded and can make new friends
  • $500 gives a homeless individual the opportunity to pay for last month’s rent and have a safe place to sleep so they can focus on their next steps
  • $1,000 provides two individuals a full course of short-term therapy so they can get the support they need to handle life’s challenges

“A disabled, shy and marginalized client of the food bank, with a history of unhealthy and sedentary habits, joined the adult cooking class. The transformation that followed was akin to rebirth. She was re-invigorated and re-energized. She learned how to select, budget for, and prepare healthier food. She now advocates on behalf of our clients at some of the local social justice meetings she attends.” – United Way Community Impact Report 2018 – referencing Healthy Fresh Food, a United Way sponsored program

Your generosity will help us make local issues #UNIGNORABLE.

People holding letters to spell #UNIGNORABLE

People holding 2019 United Way campaign goal $620,000+

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