Turning 91 this year, College Royal is is expected to attract more than 30,000 people to the University of Guelph on March 21 and 22.

The free annual event, running this year with the theme of “Take Me Out to the Royal,” is North America’s largest student-run university open house.

“College Royal isn’t just for people that have a connection with the University but for everyone who enjoys a good time and a sense of community,” said Katharine Ottolini, College Royal media relations director.

“What the College Royal team really strives for is the sense of community as well as educating people about what all of Guelph and the University have to offer.”

Family-friendly events will include livestock shows, square dancing, campus tours, logging competitions, dog and cat shows, photography and art, synchronized swimming demonstrations, a flower-arranging competition and a pancake-flipping contest. The agenda will also include events introduced last year, including a community art extravaganza, a 4-H rabbit-hopping show, and a Town and Gown Chili Chow-down.

Kids can take in Old MacDonald’s New Farm, a junior tractor rodeo, face painting, teddy bear surgery, a chemistry magic show and food science milkshakes.

“College Royal also has a variety of buildings that showcase art from students as well as community members, the history of Guelph, the University and surrounding areas, and the science that the University of Guelph is known for,” said Ottolini.

U of G student clubs and classes have also designed displays and exhibits.

“Our team spends months preparing every detail for the events leading up to the open house and for the weekend itself.

“It is our goal to have a safe, fun and educational weekend for every person that attends College Royal. Without our more than 100 volunteers and co-ordinators, this weekend wouldn’t run as smoothly and safely as it does.”

For a complete schedule of events, visit the College Royal website. For more information, email colroyal@uoguelph.ca or call 519-824-4120, Ext. 58366.

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