Write to Publish: Rewriting your literature review as a review article - U of G News News Home Find an Expert Media Services
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February 12 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Yes—you can publish your work in a refereed journal before your results or main arguments are ready. Unlike an original research article, a review article offers a synthesis of previous research on a particular topic without introducing new findings. This workshop will cover how to transform your literature review into a journal-worthy article. We’ll discuss the various types of review articles, and using authentic texts, demonstrate how to organize your review and frame conclusions based on insights from existing studies.

This workshop is held online. You will be given the link 1-2 days before the event.

Write to Publish is a 3-part series. Please register for the sessions you plan to attend:

Questions? Email writing@uoguelph.ca.


February 12
11:30 am - 1:00 pm


Ontario Canada

Additional Info

Event is open to
U of G students, U of G faculty and staff