Wellness@Work invites all faculty and staff to complete the Wellness@Work Comprehensive Survey. We value your feedback as we remain committed to supporting the holistic health of our faculty and staff and ensuring we provide services and resources that you deem most valuable.

Complete the survey now!

The survey is open until February 16 and takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete. The survey must be completed in one sitting. Survey participation is anonymous and confidential.
Managers and supervisors are asked to allow employees sufficient time to give the survey their full attention during working hours.

In 2017, the University of Guelph conducted its first comprehensive wellness survey through Wellness@Work. Much has changed since 2017 and it is important that we understand your current experience to best support your health.

You are the expert in your role and your thoughts about your work environment matter, so please share your perspective.

Survey details:

U of G has contracted third-party experts from Vancouver Psych Health + Safety Consulting to conduct this survey, designed to measure the 13 psychosocial factors identified in the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace in addition to collecting feedback on current and future wellness initiatives. This team will help us ensure the survey is accurate and useful, while guaranteeing the anonymity, privacy, and security of the information gathered. No employee at U of G will be able to see or access your individual responses.
Aligning with our values of community, collaboration, and integrity, aggregate survey results will be shared with all faculty and staff.

Learn more about the survey.

With the information we collect we hope to:

  • Provide leaders with their department or college specific data to support area-specific actions that will improve workplace wellness on a unit level;
  • Inform University of Guelph decision making that impacts employee health and wellness;
  • Adjust healthy workplace programming to fit your needs;
  • Update the Wellness@Work Strategic Plan to reflect the unique needs of our community.

We strongly encourage you to complete the employee wellness survey. The greater the participation, the more confidence we can have in the results and the better we can make improvements that are supportive to all employees.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Wellness@Work Advisor Isidora Nežić at nezici@uoguelph.ca.

Thank you for your participation. We look forward to improving the employee experience with you.

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