Photo of Tina Widowski by Nancy Raulston

The University of Guelph’s Campbell Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare (CCSAW) has received a $125,000 donation for studies of turkey welfare.

The donation from Hybrid Turkeys, a leading supplier of the world’s turkey genetics, will support research to learn how animals perceive and respond to their environments and handling techniques. A poultry welfare advisory committee will help determine research priorities and the best way to address industry issues.

The largest research centre of its kind in North America, CCSAW consists of more than 40 associated faculty experts in animal welfare and behaviour, including poultry welfare.

The Centre is directed by animal and poultry science professor Tina Widowski. A U of G professor for more than 18 years, she studies how housing and management practices affect the physiology, behaviour and welfare of pigs, poultry and cattle, and how to develop best practices for animal care.

“I am pleased that Hybrid Turkeys has joined a number of other industry partners to support the research of the poultry welfare group of CCSAW,” says Widowski, who holds both the Col. K.L. Campbell University Chair in Animal Welfare and the Egg Farmers of Canada Research Chair in Poultry Welfare.

turkeys long

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