The University of Guelph will gauge employment equity among campus members through a Diversity Matters Census Nov. 10-27.

The census will help determine representation of four designated groups within the U of G workforce — Aboriginal Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities (racialized people) and women – under the University’s employment equity program, says Jane Ngobia, assistant vice-president (diversity and human rights).  The census will also include sexual orientation and gender identity to be consistent with Stats Canada.

The workforce survey is required every three years under the Federal Contractors Program (FCP). Organizations that receive more than $1-million in federal contracts and have more than 100 employees must comply.

“The University is committed to the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion,” said Ngobia. “This includes ensuring that all job applicants and employees are treated fairly.”

“Through the Diversity Matters Census, the University fulfills its ongoing commitment to the principles of employment equity and, in doing so, satisfies the requirements of the FCP to remain eligible for federal contracts.”

Returning the census questionnaire is mandatory, but there is a “prefer not to answer” for every question.

“We recognize that the act of identifying can be uncomfortable for a variety of reasons,” Ngobia said.

“But participating in the Diversity Matters Census is one way to help us build and maintain an inclusive campus. The information will help us to identify and eliminate discrimination in employment procedures and policies, and assist us in monitoring the success of our employment equity initiatives.”

Campus members may complete the census online via the Diversity and Human Rights webpage. For an electronic or a paper copy, call Ext. 53000 or email . Assistance with completing the census is also available.

Answers to frequently asked questions about the Diversity Matters Census are also available online.


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