You’ve Got This! Exam Stress Busters to Support Your Success

As exam time rolls around and spring is in the air, know that your campus community is here to support your success during exams! 

Check out these events, resources, and supports available to help you connect and recharge, practice effective study strategies, and take care of your mental well-being. 

Fit study breaks into your schedule

Study breaks are essential to ensuring you maintain physical and mental well-being during exams. Taking regular breaks allows you to manage stress, which will enable you to do even better on your final exams and assignments. 

See the list below of activities and events available across campus and find great ways to recharge and connect with your fellow Gryphons. You can also find events listed on 


Ongoing Exam Stress Busters

  • Create at the MakerSpace

    Escape the pressures of exams and unwind at the Wood Centre Makerspace with our stress-buster activities. From play doh, to colour pages, and lego – we’ve got everything you need to take a creative break! As a bonus, we will be playing Disney movies all week long!

    • Thursday, April 11 to Tuesday, April 23, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (MakerSpace, 1st floor of Macdonald Hall) 
  • Nightly Stressbusters in Residence

    Come out to your nightly stressbuster in your respective residence location. Connect with your RA to learn more about the programs offered throughout the week!

    • Wednesday, April 10 to Monday, April 22, 9 to 10 p.m. (East Residence Crossroads, Gordon Lobby, Mountain SSL, Mills Fireplace Lounge, and L/A Games Room) 
  • Library Activity Table

    If you’re visiting the library, stop by the grab and go activity table on the library’s first floor, where you’ll find activity books filled with colouring pages, sudoku puzzles, crossword puzzles, study tips, and more, as well as colouring sheets and utensils. 

    • Wednesday, April 10 to Tuesday, April 23 (Library main floor) 
  • Positive Wall

    Leave a message of encouragement for a fellow student during exam time on the Positive Wall or take a message that resonates with you. You can also take part on the library’s Instagram page. Follow the library to share a message and read messages from others.

    • Wednesday, April 10 to Tuesday, April 23 (Library main floor and Instagram) 
  • Worry Box

    Worries weighing you down? Take a moment to write down a worry and release it into the worry box.

    • Wednesday, April 10 to Tuesday, April 23 (Library main floor) 
  • The Postcard Project

    If you’re studying in the library, you may be one of the lucky folks to find a postcard with a message of encouragement. Attached to the postcard will be a coupon for a free coffee and a muffin, redeemable at the library’s Starbucks. We hope you find one and that it brightens your day.

    • Wednesday, April 10 to Tuesday, April 23 (Library)
  • Learning to Bounce Study Hall

    Learning to Bounce Study Hall is a great way to stay on top of studying, get support when you need it, and enjoy mint tea and treats! Work independently or meet with us 1-to-1 for help with getting started on tasks you’ve been avoiding, breaking down intimidating projects, prioritizing work, and/or tackling perfectionism.

Exam Stress Busters Events

  • Fresh Start: Easy Recipes Cooking Workshop

    Looking to expand your everyday meal recipes without the hassle? Join us for “Fresh Start: Easy Recipes Cooking Workshop” where we’ll guide you through a delightful culinary journey filled with delicious and straightforward recipes perfect for busy student life! Get ready to roll up your sleeves and dive into the world of cooking! You will be provided with step-by-step guidance to help you master each recipe with ease.

    • Wednesday, April 3, 4 p.m. (JT Powell Boardroom) 
  • Gryphon Grocery Bus

    Take a study break to shop for some nutritious groceries that will remind you of home or encourage you to make something new! The free Gryphon Grocery bus will take you to Kitchener to visit the Farmers Market, New City Supermarket (a Chinese / East Asian Grocery Store), Amiri Supermarket (a Middle Eastern Supermarket), SMK African Foods, Variedad Latina (a small Salvadorian restaurant with some groceries) and Ben Thanh (a South East Asian grocery store) and any surrounding areas in Kitchener you wish to explore.

    • Saturday, April 6 and 20, 9:55 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. (University Centre) 
  • START Homeroom: Stress Buster Edition

    Feeling the stress as you’re preparing for end of year exams? Join for a special Stressbuster edition of START Homeroom! Along with snacks and resources around studying and exam prep, we will be practicing some self-care while making friendship bracelets. This event is drop-in. 

    • Tuesday, April 9, 10 to 12 p.m. (University Centre 303) 
  • Take a Paws from Studying

    Take a break from studying and join us at our exam Take a Paws Sessions to cuddle with some furry friends. Register in advance to save your spot, or walk-ins are welcome on a first-come, first-served basis.

    • April 9, 10, and 16, 5 to 6 p.m. (Athletics Centre, Gryphons Lounge 131) 
  • Tree Bingo with the Indigenous Student Centre

    Take a break with the ISC. Using an identifier app, reference book, or the internet, take photos, and get to know the indigenous Trees of the Arboretum and some of their traditional uses.  

    • Wednesday, April 10, 1 to 3 p.m. (Arboretum. Rain location: Indigenous Student Centre) 
  • Glowga Yoga Class

    Reduce your exam stress and join us for this free Glowga Yoga Class. Bring your own glow-in-the-dark gear and we provide glow sticks and mats.

    • Thursday, April 11, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. (Guelph Gryphons Athletics Centre, Studio 3214) 
  • Coffee, Tea & a Healthy Treat

    Stop by the library to get coffee, tea and a healthy snack as you start your day.

    • Monday, April 15, 9 a.m. (Library main floor)

Find more Exam Stress Busters on GryphLife. 

Academic resources

Set yourself up for success during exams by taking advantage of the in-person and online academic resources and programs available to you. 

The McLaughlin Library offers a variety of online guides to help you prepare for exams, including guides on: 

Other resources to support academic success include academic coaching and appointments, academic support in residence, Student Accessibility Services, research assistance, the Science Commons, study skills and time management assistance, and writing assistance. The Undergraduate Academic Information Centre has a full list of online resources to help you with your academic success. 

Need to talk?

If you ever feel stressed or overwhelmed, it can help to have someone to talk to. In addition to the normal demands of classes, we also acknowledge that events happening locally and globally can have a strong impact on members of our campus community as they fear for their own safety or the safety of others.  

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or having trouble coping, take advantage of the mental health supports available to you. 

  • Counselling Services

    Individual and group counselling for students.
    Urgent drop-in sessions by phone, virtual or in-person.
    Monday to Friday – 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
    Call 519-824-4120, Ext. 53244, to set up a session 

  • Student Wellness Navigators

    Service for students who are accessing Counselling Services for the first time or who have concerns about their mental health and don’t know where to go next.
    Sessions by phone, virtual or in-person.
    Monday to Friday – 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Call 519-824-4120, Ext. 52131, to book an appointment. 

  • Student Support Network

    Confidential peer-to-peer support.
    In-person drop-in sessions Monday to Friday – noon to 8 p.m.
    Book a Student Support Network session

  • Here 24/7

    Local mental health and crisis phone line.
    Available 24/7

  • Good2Talk

    Support phone line for Ontario post-secondary students.
    Available 24/7

  • Crisis Text Line

    Text-based mental health support.
    Available 24/7
    Text “UofG” to 686868 to start a conversation.

View the full list of Mental Health Helplines and Websites.

Unable to take your exam? 

If you are struggling and unable to complete an exam or final assignment due to medical, psychological, or compassionate reasons, you may be eligible to request academic consideration through your program counsellor.  

Learn more about the academic consideration process and contact your program counsellor to request accommodation.

U of G’s Student Experience advisors are also available to support you: 

Take care of yourself this exam season and check in with your friends too. Good luck, you got this! 

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