Text on screen: [Believe Support on Campus – Sexual Violence and Support Education on Campus Support and Resources]

[Images of person with puzzle pieces above her hand]

All survivors’ experiences are individual, but we know that all survivors deserve a supportive, caring, and empowering community response. 

That’s why the University of Guelph Sexual Violence Support position is dedicated to believing and supporting survivors through their healing process. 

[Image of woman walking toward a sunset]

You don’t need to report, and you don’t need to tell your story multiple times. You just need to let us know you need support and we will work with you to connect to the resource you need. 

Through this confidential and safe environment, survivors can access academic support, counselling services, safety planning, reporting options, and an understanding listener. 

[Image of woman walking into an office]

We believe you and we are here for you. You’re not alone. Reach out to us directly at svinfo@uoguelph.ca or 519-824-4120, extension 53020.